Connection + Community

If there’s a main, reoccurring theme that has emerged recently in the zeitgeist it’s a need for community + connection.

And it’s a theme that has surfaced in my own life, too.

My childhood was spent traveling the world in support of my parents who were both soldiers in the Army. Yes: I was a literal brat. As a result, I’ve really struggled to put down roots, and cultivate a place in a permanent community.

With that comes some advantage, don’t get me wrong. I don’t really feel out of place anywhere and I’m not very sentimental. (Side note: is it odd that I view this as an advantage?)

I am, however, very territorial. Put me in that corner over there and I’ll be just fine - as long as everyone remembers that it’s my corner.

My inability to unfurl my fingers from around “my things” to let them live and change and grow has made finding connection difficult for me in the past.

But there’s been a shift recently.

On July 8th, the guys (Dan, Chris, Jared, Zack, Matt) and I finished up tracking on two singles I’ll be releasing this fall. Working through these songs over the last few months has taught me a great deal about how to simultaneously hold space for what is mine while making room for what is mine to evolve.

It also allowed me to put to bed this notion that my music and creativity was floundering because the well had run dry. Instead, I’ve realized that what was stifling me was a need for

I used to think that I wasn’t good at collaborating or that I preferred to work alone but I know now that’s not true. More than anything, I think I was lacking the deeper connections within a community that make collaboration possible. And most meaningful.

I do consider myself quite lucky to have found a really great group of musicians with which to embark on this next chapter as an artist. They deserve much credit.

I also know that I set out a few years ago in search of community as a transplant to St. Louis. It’s been pretty messy and chaotic and even discouraging at times.

But I think I’m beginning to find my place. And my people.

And now here we are :)

I can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on with you.



A Little Joy + Creativity Is Enough